an "X" symbol, used to symbolise a closing action, i.e. of an accordion

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an "X" symbol, used to symbolise a closing action, i.e. of an accordion

Imprint | Provider

Network Circle GmbH
Arnulfstr. 58
80335 Munich

Phone: +49 89 541 996 000

Represented by Management:
Mr. Raphael Baumann
Mr. Luca Hennicker

Data Protection Commissioner
Mr. Luca Hennicker

Commercial register at the district court of Munich number: HRB 240 980
VAT registration number according to § 27a USTG: DE 815767312

Legal notice

Copyright 2018 Network Circle GmbH

All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, graphics, audio, video and animation files as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied, modified or used on other websites for tr ading or distribution purposes. Some Internet pages of Network Circle GmbH also contain material tha t is subject to the copyright of those who provided it.

Notes about predictive statements

Internet sites, investor relations releases, annual and interim reports, prospects, presentations, audio and video transmissions of events (live or as recordings) and other documents on this website contain, among other things, forward-looking statements about future developments that are based on current management estimates. Words such as “anticipate,” “assume,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may “, “plan,” “project,” “should,” and similar terms identify such forward-looking statements , Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Some examples include a cyclical downturn in Europe or North America, changes in exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices, the introduction of products and solutions by competitors. We have no intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, as they are based solely on the circumstances of the day of their publication.

Note according to § 36 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG)

We Network Circle GmbH will not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG) and is not obliged to do so.

Information about online dispute resolution

The EU Commission has created an Internet platform for the online settle ment of disputes (so-called “OS platform”). The OS platform serves as a point o f contact for out-of-court settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligati ons arising from online sales contracts. You can access the OS platform at the follo wing link:


The information and statements provided on these pages are not an assurance or a guarantee, whether express or implied. In particular they do not constitute an implied warranty or guarantee of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of laws and patents. On our Internet pages you will also find links to other sites on the Internet. We would like to point out that we have no influence on the design and content of the lin ked sites. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or q uality of the information provided there. Against this background, we dissociate ourselves fr om all contents of these pages. This declaration applies to all links to external pages and th eir contents contained on our Internet pages.

Privacy Policy

Network Circle GmbH (”Network Circle”, “We” or “Us”) is comitted to respect and protect your privacy and the privacy of those people (“You”) participating in events organized by Network Circle and using the Network Circle website and connected services (“Services”). This Privacy Policy will help you to understand which „Personal Information“ or „Personal data“ and other „Non personal information“ or „Non personal data“ we collect, and how we use it. This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of Personal data and non personal idata in connection with the Services and You should read this document before using our Services. If you have questions in regards to our privacy policies you can reach us via e-mail: or via letter at Network Circle GmbH Arnulfstraße. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, You may not use our Services. “Personal Information” refers to information, which allows us to identifie You directly or indirectly as an individual person. Additionally we collect “non personal information” which cannot be used to specifically identify anybody. „Non personal information“ can also arise as a result of removing the personally identifiable parts from Personal Information. We collect and use both „personal Infomation“ and „Non personal Information“ and also a combinations of these two types.

Processing Personal Information

We Network Circle will just collect those „Personal Information“ which is relevant for the purposes which we describe here in these Privacy Policy. We Network Circle will process Your „Personal Information“ with the purpose to pro vide the Services, including organizing the events and in order to faciliate the networking between participants who are using the Network Circle website and connected services. We Network Circle will process Your „Personal Information“ to supply customer service and other services at your request. We will process Your „Personal Information“ to provide You with information, including confirmations, invoices, and other communications. We process Your „Personal Information“ as well to communicate with You about promotions and other news about services offered by Us Network Circle. We Network Circle follow the regulations regarding processsing Personal Information given by law. All Network Circle personal processing Personal Information are obliged to keep such information strictly confidential and to process Personal Information in good manner.

Legal basis for processing

The applicable legal basis for the processing of personal data in relation to the relevant processing activities, as described below: – You have given your consent to the processing of personal data concerning for one or more specific purposes according GDPR 6 (1) a – the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures which are made at the request of the data subject according GDPR 6 (1) b – the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the controller is subject according GDPR 6 (1) c – the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or any other natural person according GDPR 6 (1) d – the processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority which has been entrusted to the controller according GDPR 6 (1) e – the processing is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data prevail, in particular where the data subject is a Child acts according GDPR 6 (1) f

Information Sources and Information which we collect

We Network Circle collect different types of information: Information You provide Us with Information that is collected technically when you use our services Information from third parties in relation to our service. We collect information You provide Us with, for example when You use our Services. This information can include your name and your e-mail adress. Furthermore you have the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter on our website.

We Network Circle have the ability to collect non-personal information in addition to collecting personal information. Non-personal data may be collected as a result of your activities in our services. For example, your Internet Protocol address, the time of your inquiries or actions on the website and the referring website addresses, hardware type, operating system version, browser type and language can be recorded. We Network Circle keep the Personal Information collected according to this Privacy Policy for the period which is necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this Privacy Policy unless the storage period can be longer by law.

The criteria for determining the retention period of personal data depend on the applicable legal basis for processing of personal data and are for example as follows: -If the processing of personal data is required to fulfill the contract, we Network Circle will store the personal data for as long as is necessary for the performance of the contract or the opening of the contract -If personal data processing is required to fulfill a legal obligation, We Network Circle retain the personal information for the applicable statutory retention period -If the processing of personal data is permitted under the legitimate interests We pursue, such as marketing activities, We Network Circle store personal information for as long as permitted by law. Once the personal information collected is no longer needed for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, We Network Circle will erase personal information within its possession within a reasonable time frame or make it anonymous, which means “non-personal information” We Network Circle also use third-party analytics service providers to continually improve our services. We Network Circle use tools from analytics service providers (third party providers) for example the service of Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service made available by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses text files placed on your computer to allow an analysis of your use of the website (so-called “cookies”). The information about your use of this website (including your IP address) generated thereby (by the cookie) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google Inc. will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Furthermore Google Inc. may transfer this information to third parties if required to do so by law, or if such third parties process the information on Google Inc.’s behalf. Google Inc. will not associate your IP address with other data stored by Google Inc. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. Please note, that in this case you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you agree to the processing of your data by Google Inc. in the manner and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display ads using the Ads Preferences Manager.

Information collected by ad networks, such as the Facebook Audience Network, must be used in accordance with this privacy policy and the privacy policy of the third party providing the applicable technology. If you want to be sure that you do not see any targeted ads, please do not use or access the Services. Also, keep in mind that if you “refuse” targeted advertising, you will continue to receive advertising that is not personalized to you.

Disclosing and Hosting Information

We Network Circle will not share your personal information with third parties without your permission to market it directly (e-mail, text messages) or as part of a specific program or feature that you can sign up for or decline (Opt-in or Opt-Out). You can refuse to receive promotional e-mails at any time by following the instructions in these e-mails. If you opt out, We Network Circle may continue to send you customer information that is not advertising, such as: For example, e-mail to provide the service or ongoing business relationships of Us Network Circle.

We use external service providers to provide technical solutions or services for the processing of stored information and access to the stored information through a technical interface and to share your personal information with third parties to the extent that this is necessary to ensure the quality of our information improve or maintain our services. We use third party providers like e-mail service providers, information analysts, business intelligence providers and credit card processors.

We Network Circle have the right to share personal information when required by the above service providers to make their services available to Us Network Circle. We Network Circle can not be held responsible for the acts and omissions of these third parties and are not liable for them. We Network Circle may set up the Services in countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area in accordance with the mandatory legislation and this Privacy Policy and may provide personal information for this purpose.

we have the right to share non-personal data such as platforms, asset views anonymous usage data, referring and exit pages, URLs etc. with third parties whose interest it is to gain a more accurate understanding of the usage patterns of specific content, advertising content and or the functionality of the services. In exceptional cases, personal data may be disclosed to third parties where required by applicable laws or regulations or orders by competent authorities, or to enforce the Terms of Use and to investigate a possible violation of the use of the Services and to ensure the security of the Services.

We Network Circle have the right to share your information in context with a merger, a financing, a sale of our assets or a acquisition of all or a part of our business. Further more We have the right to share Summary or anonymous information about you with business partners, advertisers, publishers and other third parties.

Protection of Information and data

The registers are maintained in s ervers by external service providers with appropriate security measures, such as password protection. Access to the stored information will only be granted to persons who work with Us Network Circle or Network Circle partners that are expressly authorized by Us Network Circle. The register is adequately protected by appropriate industry standards, technical and organizational security measures. Although we, in good faith, attempt to store the information collected in the Services in a secure operating environment that is not accessible to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of this information while it is being transmitted or stored on our systems. We Network Circle will post a notice on the Network Circle website or through other services in the event of a security breach that compromis es your privacy or personal information. We Network Circle may also temporarily shut down a service to protect personal data.

Tracking and Cookies

Cookies are data stored on your computer by a website you visit, such as preferred lanuages etc. We Network Circle use cookies to identify and track visitors, their use of the Services and their access preferences to improve the quality of the Webiste, to develop provided recommendations and to development our services. The Cookies do not allow Us Network Circle to access and/or verify information stored on your computer. Additional to cookies, We Network Circle can also use other existing tracking technolgies or tracking technologies which will be developed in the future. We Network Circle also work with third parties who also use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to track the effectiveness of advertising placed on the Services. These tracking tools are used to verify and analyzie the number of viewed ads. They may also allow the advertiser to customize your advertising when you visit other websites and / or set, modify, change, or change settings or configurations on your device. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computers, you should set the devices and or browsers to refuse cookies or tracking before using the services, with the disadvantage that certain features of such a service may not work to their full capacity. Please note that some areas of our service may be limited in their quality of use if we do not have access to the country information from which you use our service.

Rights of the Data Subjects and Contact Information

Right to access, correct and object

You may contact Us Network Circle and We will disclose what personal data we have collected and processed about you and for what purpose this information is used. You have the right to correct any wrong, outdated, incomplete or unnecessary personal information kept about you by contacting us like mentioned in the beginning of these privacy policy. You may contradict to the use of personal information, including direct marketing, if such information is needed for purposes other than the fulfillment of our services or the fulfillment of a legal obligation. You can also refuse any further processing of personal data with prior consent. If you object to the further processing of personal data, this may result in fewer opportunities to use our services.

Right to erasing and restriction of processing

You can also ask us to erase your personal information from our systems. We will comply with this request, unless we have a legitimate reason not to erase the data. After erasing the data, we may not be able to erase all remaining copies of all our systemsby immediate impact. Such copies should be erased as soon as possible. You can ask us to restrict the processing of certain personal data. Please note that this may also result in restrictions on use of our website and other services.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive personally identifiable information you provide in a structured, custom format.

How to use the rights

These rights can be used by sending us an e-mail to the address stated at the beginning of this privacy policy or a letter to the addresse below. The e-mail or letter should include the following information: name, telephone number, credentials and details of the services you use. We may request the provision of additional information necessary to verify your identity. We can reject applications that are inappropriately repeated, excessive, or manifestly baseless.
If you believe that our processing of personal data does not comply with applicable data protection laws, you may complain to us via e-mail or letter, or you may lodge a complaint with the local data protection authority.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We Network Circle reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at Network Circle‘s sole discretion. All changes in this regard will be made available on our website: We will inform you about the changes in the applications or, if available, via e-mail if any significant changes affect your rights.

Data Protection Commissioner

Contact Information
You can contact Us Network Circle at any time at the address here below.
Network Circle GmbH
Arnulfstr. 58
80335 Munich
